Designin' in the Rain
There's something luxurious about rainy days, don't you think? It's a dreary, wet day here in the San Francisco Bay Area. I have a long to-do list and zero motivation to tackle it. That said, this grey Sunday feels like a gift. A reminder that sometimes it's ok to be lazy and unproductive. A reminder that sometimes it's a good idea to push aside work and responsibilities and just jump in puddles, dance in pajamas and sing in the rain. It really is a glorious feeling! Hope you enjoy these images of cozy spots to curl up, rain or shine. XO, L
Reese Witherspoon's Ojai Home. Designer: Kristen Buckingham. Image: Elle Decor, July 2012.
Image: London Undercover.
Reese Witherspoon's Ojai Home. Designer: Kristen Buckingham. Image: Elle Decor, July 2012.
Celerie Kimble Mimi Morse Chaise. Image: Neiman Marcus.
Lorenzo Castillo's Madrid Home. Image: Elle Decor, March 2012.
Image: Jurliska.
Location: Martha's Vineyard. Image: AD, May 2006.
Designers: Gary and Susan Garrabrant. Image: AD, March 2014.
Image: Le Chameau Vierzonord Wellington Boots.